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    Mosrite Californian Very little information is available on this unique Mosrite resonator model. These were made in the early 1960's and were available in black or sunburst. As very few are seen these days it would be a good assumption...
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    To be a connoisseur of classic sounds you first need the knowledge that goes with the “Vintage” era of guitars. Many of today’s guitar players got their inspiration from models such as the ’66 Mosrite Original Mark-I. The sleek sunburst finish with...
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    1960's National Newport These days, most people know the brand National because of their excellent metal body resonator guitars. But National actually started in 1926 and eventually ended up as Valco, based in Chicago, manufacturing National, Supro and Airline guitars....
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    The Ramones, Jimi Hendrix, Glen Campbell, Kurt Cobain, John Entwistle, Elliot Easton. All of these famous musicians had one thing in common, do you know what that is? They all played Mosrites! These vintage Radicals are responsible for some of...
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    "The Originals" H44 The H44 model was made from 1952 through 1957. The unique design featured 1 pickup and "Neck-through" construction. This means it was one piece of wood from head to tailpiece, and two added "ears" to form the...
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