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The Airline Jupiter TT is one of Eastwood's newest models, and it falls perfectly within the Venn diagram of original and classic. Here, we've done something that we've never done before: take the best features of two classic models, and birth an original that's nostalgic, yet never before seen.
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The "Eastwood Family" keeps growing, and one of the latest bands to join the fold are The Vacant Lots, one of New York's finest purveyors of unadulterated psych thrills. We spoke to guitarist Jared Artaud, who now plays an Airline Twin Tone.

Blues legend and Eastwood artist with his own signature model, Duke Robillard has announced new tour dates for 2019 - don't miss the chance to catch him live. Duke Robillard is a founder member of the respected Roomful of Blues band, which has...
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Duke Robillard is a true legend from the New England blues scene - and the latest artist to get his own signature Eastwood guitar: the Airline Twin Tone 'The Duke' Signature. Michael "Duke" Robillard is a respected blues guitarist and...
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