A Brief History of Mosrite Guitars

Known for their hot pick-ups, one-of-a-kind sound and remarkable design, it's no wonder why we have Mosrite guitars for sale. With humble beginnings in the 1950's, this particular design took off in a big way and its equal has never really been found.

Semie Moseley seemed like just another teenager. Playing the guitar with his brother and loving everything about it, he soon realized that he would never really make enough of a living chasing the music, and so he had the idea to make the music for himself. Moseley found a job working at a major guitar manufacturer, Rickenbacker, under the educational guidance of Roger Rossmeisl, a German immigrant with an eye for beauty.

Moseley learned plenty under this tutorship, and put his new skills to work, building his own guitar designs by hand. In 1952, under the sponsorship of Rev. Ray Boatwright, he started his own business named by the clever mixture of the two men's last names and by the 1960's, the Mosrite guitar was a hit. Selling at almost twice the value of the contemporary Fender Strat, Moseley's designs were some of the most in demand guitars on the market.

High quality materials, remarkable sound and unmatched manufacturing is what made Mosrite the name it was, and that is exactly what you will get with our vintage Mosrite guitars for sale. Players from Jimi Hendrix to Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys and so many stars in between, the Mosrite has become a legendary instrument which transcends its time. Get yours today!